Free Software / Free Documents - As In No Cost

(that is correct - no money to pay)

If it is on this site, then there is a 99%+ probability that it is free... adware, no spyware, just free

IF you can't find something OR need assistance THEN email me AND I'll try to help

Click "HHWQ" above for full listing of 150+ completely free software applications available for download from web site main page (if you are not on the main page already)

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General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM)

GOTM is an ambitious name for a one-dimensional water column model for marine and limnological applications. It is coupled to a choice of traditional as well as state-of-the-art parameterisations for vertical turbulent mixing. The package consists of the FORTRAN90 software, a number of idealised and realistic test cases, and a scientific documentation, all published under the GNU public license. GOTM is, of course, not complete (and will never be). Whoever is missing any feature in GOTM, is warmly invited to contribute to GOTM and add her or his personal preferences or needs.

General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM)

GETM is a 3D numerical model simulating the most important hydrodynamic and thermodynamic processes in natural waters. The model is general in the sense that it can be applied to various systems, scales and specifications. The model includes for example flooding and drying of tidal flats, flexible vertical and horizontal coordinate systems, different turbulence models integrated from GOTM, and is a Public Domain model published under GNU Public Licence.


Stormwater / Watershed Runoff Model Comparison Studies

Evaluation and Modification of Five Techniques for Estimating Stormwater Runoff for Watersheds in West-Central Florida (USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4158).

Comparison of Nine Uncalibrated Runoff Models to Observed Flows in Two Small Urban Watersheds (Zarriello, P J, 1998).


Illinois NRCS Engineering Software

This program contains solutions to the hydraulic equations that are frequently encountered on soil and water conservation activities. All of these solutions are presented in a graphical form that more readily displays the inputs and solutions. Printed reports are available from all of the hydraulic solutions that will satisfy most documentation requirements.

Routing small pipe-drop structures
Sizing tile-outlet terrace systems
Sizing concrete-block or rock-lined chutes
Evaluating channel stability
Evaluating channel tailwater depths
Performing earthfill volume calculations
Computing simple hydraulic formulae

Pump System Improvement Modeling Tool (PSIM)

Educational tool for understanding hydraulic behavior of pumping systems.

Automatic pump curve viscosity corrections
Centrifugal pumps
Energy cost over time
Flow control values
Impeller trimming
NPSH calculations
Positive displacement pumps
Pressure control values
Pump energy usage
Pump vs system curves
Pump efficiency and BEP evaluation
System hydraulic calculations
Variable speed pumps


WHATIF: Watershed Health Assessment Tools Investigating Fisheries

WHATIF is software that integrates a number of calculators, tools, and models for assessing the health of watersheds and streams with an emphasis on fish communities in the Mid-Atlantic Highland region. The tool set consists of hydrologic and stream geometry calculators, a fish assemblage predictor, a fish habitat suitability calculator, macro-invertebrate biodiversity calculators, and a process-based model to predict biomass dynamics of stream biota (the BASS model). The tools can be used to assess conditions and associated stressors in aquatic ecosystems, to examine causes of impairment, and to forecast ecological outcomes of habitat alterations and fisheries management actions. WHATIF also supports screening analysis, such as prioritization of areas for restoration and comparison of alternative watershed and habitat management scenarios.

VSAFT: Variably Saturated Flow and Transport Simulation Software

Subsurface/Soil Hydraulics Analysis Software

VSAFT2 is a MSWindows Graphical User Interface (GUI) for setting up, running, calibrating, and doing inverse simulation on variably saturated flow and transport using either a rectangular or triangular element mesh in 2 dimensions. VSAFT2 couples a simple interface for quickly setting up problems with a powerful inverse parameter estimation method.

VSAFT3, a three dimensional version of VSAFT2, will be available soon, with similar capabilities to VSAFT2, but capable of simulating flow and transport for 3D geometries.


Downloadable ebook: Groundwater Hydrology Beginning Course Instructor's Guide

Study Guide for a Beginning Course in Ground-Water Hydrology, Part 2: Instructor's Guide
USGS Open-File Report 92-637

O Lehn Franke, Thomas E Reilly, Ralph J Haefner, and Dale L Simmons

Includes: fundamental concepts and definitions; dimensions and conversion of units; water budgets; characteristics of earth materials related to hydrogeology; occurrence of subsurface water; pressure and hydraulic head; preparation and interpretation of water-table maps; ground-water/surface-water relations; darcy's law; transmissivity; aquifers, confining layers , unconfined and confined flow; ground-water storage; ground-water flow equation; system concept; information required to describe a ground-water system; preliminary conceptualization of a ground-water system; answer to the third unnumbered assignment under "preliminary conceptualization of a ground-water system"; analysis of ground-water systems through use of flow nets; regional ground-water flow and depiction of ground-water systems by means of hydrogeologic maps and sections; geology and the occurrence of ground water; description of a real ground-water system; source of water to a pumped well; role of numerical simulation in analyzing ground-water systems; concept of ground-water flow to wells; analysis of flow to a well-- introduction to basic analytical solutions; analysis of flow to a well-- applying analytical solutions to specific problems; concept of superposition and its application to well-hydraulic problems; aquifer tests; background and field procedures related to ground-water contamination; physical mechanisms of solute transport in ground water

Downloadable ebook: Groundwater Hydrology Beginning Course Study Guide

Study Guide for a Beginning Course in Ground-Water Hydrology, Part 1: Course Participants
USGS Open File Report 90-183

O Lehn Franke, Thomas E Reilly, Ralph J Haefner, and Dale L Simmons

Includes: background, purpose and scope, and technical qualifications for users of study guide; annotated list of selected references in ground-water hydrology; detailed outline with notes and exercises; fundamental concepts and definitions; principles of ground-water flow and storage; description and analysis of ground-water systems; ground-water flow to wells; ground-water contamination

Downloadable ebook: Stormwater Effects Handbook

Stormwater Effects Handbook: A Toolbox for Watershed Managers, Scientists, and Engineers

G Allen Burton, Jr PhD
Robert E Pitt PhD PE

Includes: receiving water uses, impairments, and sources of stormwater pollutants; stressor categories and their effects on humans and ecosystems; overview of assessment problem formulation; sampling effort and collection methods; ecosystem component characterization; statistical analyses of receiving water data; data interpretation; habitat characterization; benthic community assessment; fish community assessment; toxicity and bioaccumulation testing; laboratory safety, waste disposal, and chemical analyses methods; sampling requirements for paired tests; water quality criteria; watershed and receiving water modeling; vendors of supplies and equipment used in water monitoring

(Robert E Pitt PhD PE is also the primary author of the SLAMM/WinSLAMM stormwater analysis software.)


Site Development Tool (SDT) stormwater analysis

City of Nashville (TN) Site Development Tool (SDT) stormwater software application: aid for engineers designing water quality treatment for a project.

Stormwater Management: approaches intended to be sustainable

Low Impact Development (LID), Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD), Green Coving (GC), Minimal Impact Development (MID), Sustainable Urban Design Systems (SUDS), and various other terms are generally slight variations on the same theme: "buzz phrases" for marketing a stormwater management approach intended to be sustainable. Below are links to documents which cover some of these approaches.

Design: Low Impact Development Manual

The Practice of Low Impact Development

Water Sensitive Urban Design

Water Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines for the City of Knox

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Network

Interim Code of Practice for SUDS

Low Impact Development (LID) Manual

Low Impact Development Technical Guidance Manual

Site Assessment; Site Planning and Layout; Vegetation Protection, Reforestation, and Maintenance; Clearing and Grading; Integrated Management Practices; Washington Department of Ecology-Low Impact Development Design and Flow Modeling Guidance; Hydrologic Analysis


STREAMPlan 1.0

Spreadsheet Tool for River Environmental Assessment Management and Planning

Another HHWQ tool...

StreamPlan is a spreadsheet application for policy analysis of alternative water quality management strategies at a river basin level. Strategies include uniform emission reduction and effluent standard based strategies, ambient water quality criteria and least-cost strategies, total emission reduction under minimized costs, mixed strategies, local and regional policies, and strategies with economic instruments. StreamPlan includes a detailed model of wastewater generation at the municipal level with a water quality model and policy analysis tools at the river basin scale.


SSIIM for Windows

The Sediment Simulation In Intakes with Multiblock option model (SSIIM) is for teaching and research for hydraulic/river/sedimentation engineering. It solves the Navier-Stokes equations using the control volume method with the SIMPLE algorithm and the k-epsilon turbulence model. It also solves the convection-diffusion equation for sediment transport, using van Rijn's formula for the bed boundary. A water quality module is included.

The software application has an interactive graphical grid editor creating a structured grid. The post-processor includes vector graphics, contour plots, profiles, etc which can run simultaneously with the solver, enabling viewing of intermediate result. A post-processor viewing coloured surfaces in 3D is also made, as a separate program.

The software has been around for a while, but a new version for MS Windows has been recently released (2007 September 26), so I thought I would post on it. (I have not tried the latest release, but it would need to be a signficant improvement for SSIIM to have surpassed CCHE2D).

SSIIM can be downloaded from "".

USDA NRCS engineering documents available

The USDA NRCS has many engineering analysis and design documents available download and use.

Topics include: Agriculture, Conservation, Construction, Dams, Drafting/Drawings, Drainage, Ecology, Geology, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Irrigation, Landscape Architecture, Quality Assurance, Sediment, Soils, Specifications, Stormwater Management, Streams/Channels, Structures, Surveying, Water Supply, Water Quality

These are available for download at "".


Hydroecological Integrity assessment Process (HIP)

Software applications for conducting a hydrologic classification of streams, addressing instream flow needs, and assessing past and proposed hydrologic alterations on streamflow and/or other ecosystem components.

Physical Habitat Simulation (PHABSIM) Software

Software applications for estimating micro-habitat conditions in natural channels (depth, velocities, channel indices) and the relative suitability of those conditions to aquatic life.

* flow regime
* physical habitat structure (channel form, substrate distribution, and riparian vegetation)
* water quality (including temperature)
* energy inputs from the watershed (sediments, nutrients, and organic matter)


SPARROW Modeling of Surface-Water Quality

SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed Attributes

SPARROW relates in-stream water-quality measurements to spatially referenced characteristics of watersheds, including contaminant sources and factors influencing terrestrial and stream transport.


Water Measurement Manual (USDoI BoR)

Everything you ever wanted to know about how to measure water flow: rivers, streams, pipes, canals, weirs, flumes, dilution-tracer, equipment, velocity-area, and more


Water and Sewer Design - ArcView extensions

I forgot to add this note some time back...

DC Water and Environment (Dorsch Group) provides some very helpful ArcView extension for analysis and design of potable water supply and sanitary sewer collection systems.

DC Sewer Design Extension
DC Water Design Extension
DC Processing Extension
DC Dimensioning Extension
DC CAD Cleaner Extension


Tables: what does what

I'm preparing tables to provide a quick guide to "what does what" for the various software applications. A first shot at this is now up at "". This will be updated as I can.


HSPF Toolkit for BMP Modeling Applications (EPA Ecosystems Research Division)

For model application in urban watersheds and areas with specific structural stormwater management measures (such as detention basins)


Data Master

Automation of data acquisition, measurement, and control systems. Accumulate, visualize, and analyze arrays of numeric data.

REALM (REsource ALlocation Model)

Water supply system simulation package. System can be configured as a network of nodes and carriers representing reservoirs, demand centres, waterways, pipes, etc. Flexible "what if" tool to address various options (new operating rules, physical system modifications, etc)


CDM version of SWMM5

CDM makes available their version version of SWMM5 for download and use. There's a few more options and the GUI element edit boxes have a lot more variable options. Otherwise, it looks, feels, and acts like the EPA version (from what I've have discerned).

ReactOS (Windows XP alternative)

A free and open source alternative to Windows XP: ReactOS is a ground-up implementation of a Microsoft Windows XP compatible operating system.


Rapid assessment tool for surface water and groundwater interaction: potential impact of groundwater pumping, land use change, etc have on the rate of change of baseflow contribution to streamflow.


Impact of farm dams on streamflows at a catchment scale.

RORB Version 5

Runoff and streamflow routing program used to calculate flood hydrographs from rainfall and other channel inputs, applicable to both urban and rural catchments


Catchment pollution calculators (NSW Stormwater Trust)

Calculate a pollutant load in kg from kg/Ha/yr export rates (spreadsheet)

Calculate a pollutant load in lbs from lbs/acre/yr export rates (spreadsheet)

Convert an event mean pollutant concentration into an export rate (spreadsheet)

Compare the cost-effectiveness of investments in alternative treatment technologies (spreadsheet)

TRAGIC++ (interactive forest stand simulation program)

I know this may seem like a lot of focus on tree stuff, but canopy effects (such as interception) can be mighty important in HHWQ modeiling/simulation.

In TRAGIC++, the development of a forest is simulated as the collective dynamics of individually growing trees, each of which competes with the others for light, space and nutrients. Interaction is possible by removing or planting single or groups of trees and by changing the environmental conditions (light an nutrients).

Simple Light Interception Model (SLIM)

Another software package useful for developing precipitation interception and canopy evapotranspiration model input parameters. If nothing else, you can make some cool images with it.

Storm Damage Assessment Protocol (i-Tree)

The i-Tree Storm Damage Assessment Protocol Utility establishes a standard method to assess widespread damage immediately after a severe storm in a simple, credible, and efficient manner. This assessment method is adaptable to various community types and sizes, and it provides information on the time and funds needed to mitigate storm damage.

I haven't used or tried this software (unlike 95% of the other stuff on the HHWQ blog site) and the the i-Tree site looks a bit tree-huggerish, but this looks like a good tool.

USFS: Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS)

For those of you intersted in precipitation interception and canopy evapotranspiration, the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) can be a useful tool for developing input parameters.

SWRC-Fit (Soil Water Retention Curve Fitting)

The soil hydraulic parameters for analyzing water movement in variably saturated soil can be determined by fittig soil hydraulic model to a soil water retention curve. SWRC-Fit performs nonlinear fitting of 5 soil hydraulic models (Brooks and Corey, van Genuchten, Kosugi, Durner, Seki) to a measured soil water retention curve.

HHWQ data tools (RIIC)

Software from Research Institute for Industrial Crops (SIPEAA Project)

WeatherFile: utility to convert weather files of different formats.

Rain: generate long-term series of precipitation values using parameters from existing daily or monthly precipitation records.

ET estimate daily and hourly values of evapotranspiration from the reference surface, according to alternative approaches.

CLIMA (under development): produce synthetic values of climate variables (precipitation, air temperature, solar radiation, vapor pressure deficit, wind speed, reference evapotranspiration) from existing daily weather data


Geographical Information System (GIS) with tools for estimation and analysis of hydrological, climatic, and geomorphological variables.

Multi-Dimensional Modeling System (USGS)

Graphical User Interface (GUI) for computational models of surface-water hydraulics. The system is both a tool and framework that provides an easy to use interface to a variety of environmental hydraulic models.

Fityk: peak fitting (curve fitting)

Nonlinear fitting of analytical functions (especially peak-shaped) to data (usually experimental data). There are also people using it to remove the baseline from data, or to display data only. Good for analysis/processing of bathymetric sounding/sonar data when setting up estuary/river models.

DESIRE: Direct Executing SImulation in REal Time

Interactive modeling, simulation of dynamic systems, immediate comparisons of live models. OPEN DESIRE is listed as free (other than shipping and handling). DESIRE/2000 is not free, but I can't discern the difference.

Open Workbench: project management software

Nice alternative to Microsoft Project. Not a hydrologic, hydraulic, or water quality software application, but - like OpenOffice - a great software application for your work. Gantt charts, process schedules, etc...

SciCraft: data analysis tool

Easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) for basic data analysis stuff as well as more advanced statistics, chemometrics, and "artificial intelligence"

Erosion Control Materials Design Software ECMDS - North American Green

Blatantly commercial, but free to download and use. Very useful software for design of vegetated channels, including analysis reports.


Data translation and conversion application.

3DFlow (Department of Civil Engineering at Kansas State University)

Visualization of three-dimensional groundwater flow associated with horizontal wells, partially penetrating wells and fully penetrating wells.

USGS Water Data for the Nation

* Current-conditions data transmitted from selected surface-water, ground-water, and water-quality sites
* Descriptive site information for all sites with links to all available water data for individual sites.
* Water flow and levels in streams, lakes, and springs.
* Water levels in wells.
* Chemical and physical data for streams, lakes, springs, and wells.

USGS: StreamStats

StreamStats is a Web-based tool that allows users to obtain streamflow statistics, drainage-basin characteristics, and other information for user-selected sites on streams.

MMS: Modular Modeling System

Development of the Modular Modeling System appears to be continuing, the a native Microsoft Windows version would be helpful (as opposed to a CYGWIN implementation)

USGS National Flood Frequency (NFF) Software

Excellent software for quick estimates of peak runoff

* Obtain estimates of flood frequencies for sites in rural (non-regulated) ungaged basins.
* Obtain estimates of flood frequencies for sites in urbanized basins.

Manning's Open Channel Flow Model Roughness (n values)

Verified Roughness Characteristics of Natural Channels

Descriptions of "verified" Manning's roughness coefficients for various channels with associated photographs.

A picture is worth a thousand words...

MIKE SWMM - available as freeware

DHI-WEH produces some excellent hydrology, hydraulic, and water quality software applications. Unfortunately, these are some of the most expensive such software applications available anywhere.

MIKE SWMM (from DHI-WEH) is now available free of charge to anyone who would like to use it: freeware. It is based on SWMM4.4x and does not support the latest version of SWMM (5.x).

The company is focusing development resources on MIKE URBAN, phasing out MIKE SWMM, MOUSE, and MIKE STORM.

NetSTORM: urban watershed simulations

NetSTORM is CDM's computer program for precipitation data assessment and rapid long-term urban runoff simulation.

* Storage – Treatment – Overflow Runoff Modeling
* Precipitation intensity – duration – frequency (IDF) analysis
* Time series aggregation and synthetic disaggregation
* Data conversion from various US National Weather Service formats to tabular formats
* Automated SWMM model simplification, gradually varied flow profiles, and more


Downloadable dissertations and theses

Dissertations and theses prepared by graduate students are excellent sources of information on various aspects of hydrology, hydraulics, and water quality. You can access and download electronic versions of dissertations and theses from various academic institutions.

The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic analogues to the traditional paper-based theses and dissertations.

Download eBook: Handbook of Soil Analysis: Mineralogical, Organic, and Inorganic Methods

Reference guide for selecting and carrying out numerous methods of soil analysis.

EPA Stormwater Guidelines for Green, Dense Redevelopment

City of Emeryville (California)

Spreadsheet Model


PFDS: Precipitation Frequency Data Server

NOAA National Weather Service - rain storm data
Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF)
Depth Duration Frequency (DDF)


EPA: Stormwater Sizing Spreadsheets

BioFiltration Swale
BioRetention Basin
Flow-through Planter Box
Lowered Planter Strip
Metered Detention

WaSim water balance model

Analysis and education tool for irrigation, drainage, infiltration, and salinity management.

Low Impact Development Center: two spreadsheets

Bioretention Cell Sizing

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Stormwater Tools

BMP sizing worksheets

Calc Sheet General Information
Calc Sheet Instructions
Calc Sheet (Eldorado County)
Calc Sheet (Placer County)
Calc Sheet (Nevada)

Water Balance Model: Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

Blaney-Criddle Water Balance Spreadsheet

Explanation of the Blaney-Criddle Water Balance Spreadsheet

Design flood estimation

Spreadsheet implementation of the revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method (ReFH)

Models: Impacts of Land Use Change on Water Resources

L-THIA (Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment): provides site-specific estimates of changes in runoff, recharge, and nonpoint source pollution resulting from past or proposed land use changes

SedSpec: assists in analyzing runoff and erosion problems on site by determining the peak rate of runoff from the area

Rain Garden Spreadsheet

Basic analysis spreadsheets with pretty neat online tutorial for deaf students...

DEAF SUCCEED (Deaf Educational Access For Stimulating Understanding of Collaboration, Computational science through Exploration, Experiment, and Discovery)

SubLoad Model: hydrologic and nutrient loading

Rhode Island Cooperative Extension Service spreadsheet model

(Not appropriate for use on major industrial or commercial developements as the loadings associated with these uses are not represented in the model)

DURMM: Delaware Urban Runoff Management Model

Technical Manual

User’s Manual

Spreadsheet Model


Knoxville TN Stormwater Engineering Spreadsheets

Worksheet: Computing Tc and CN

Worksheet: Initial detention volume estimates

Spreadsheets: James C Y Guo PhD PE / Colorado UDFCD

RATIONAL: Rational Hydrograph Method for Peak Runoff
UDCHANNEL: Urban Flood Channel Design
UDCHANNELFLOW: Open Channel Flow Analysis
UDCULVERT: Crossing Culvert Design and Flow Analysis
UDINLET: Street Inlet Sizing
UDRAINCURVE: Design Rainfall Distribution for Metro Denver
UDRAINZONE: Design Rainfall Statistics and PDF and IDF Curves
UDSTREET: Street Hydraulics and Allowable Capacity


Roadways/Channels: hydraulics analysis

Open-Channels: circular conduit calculator and reports application

Inlet on Grade: spreadsheet analysis for roadway street section and catch basin flow capacity on continuous grade

Bruce Hunt PhD: Software and PDF Texts

* Pipe networks software
* Groundwater analysis spreadsheet
* Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers
* Fluid Mechanics Problems
* Fluid Mechanics Solutions
* The Solution of 2nd Order Partial Differential Equations
* Six Tutorials and Solutions for 2nd Order Partial Differential Equations

Roadway stormwater analysis/design spreadsheet

Oregon DOT Hydraulics Manual Basis


Erosion control measures analysis spreadsheets

North Carolina Division of Land Resources
Design Calculation Spreadsheets

* Sediment control measures
* Rationale method with Kinematic Wave Tc
* Spillway capacity
* Plunge pool, submerged outlet
* Plunge pool, cantilevered outlet
* Open Channel Flow

Rainfall-Runoff Processes (RRP) W3 Module

Analysis spreadsheets accompany this educational resource...

Target audience: 1)Professionals with a scientific or engineering background with a college degree in science or engineering; 2) Students (senior and graduate level) in a hydrologic science or engineering program.

Module should take about 6-15 hours to complete depending on your quantitative background and a priori knowledge in this area.

* A complete workbook on Rainfall Runoff Processes serving as the textbook for this module.
* Streaming video and slide presentations.
* Visualizations and computer animations to convey key concepts.
* Powerpoint presentations.
* Online quizzes serving as exercises where the user needs to respond to multiple choice questions or enter numeric answers to problems.
* An online final test.


Excellent e-book series with analysis spreadsheets

Estimating Runoff Losses Due to Infiltration in Treatment Facilities and Trenches

Washington State DOT Design Office Hydraulics Branch

Low Impact Developing Modeling Guidance

Spreadsheet analysis of BMP infiltration

WSDOE Low Impact Development Design and Flow Modeling Guidance

Bioretention Sizing/Routing Spreadsheet

Bioretention stormwater management measure spreadsheet

WTM (Watershed Treatment Model)

The Watershed Treatment Model (WTM) is a simple spreadsheet that tracks pollutant sources and the effectiveness of various watershed treatment options in urban and urbanizing watersheds.

WWHM (Western Washington Hydrology Model)

User friendly software application for sizing stormwater detention and water quality facilities to meet the Washington State Department of Ecology standards.

SET (Site Evaluation Tool)

Planning tool: spreadsheet-based model for analysis of predevelopment and postdevelopment stormwater runoff, infiltration, and pollutant loading rates.

Wake County Stormwater Tool

Planning/screening level analysis: spreadsheet tool

LCS (LID Credit Spreadsheet)

LID Credits are based on the ability of various LID practices to reduce the overall VOLUME of runoff from a development site.

StormWISE (Storm Water Investment Strategy Evaluator)

StormWISE: screening and planning level analysis, cost-benefit model for stormwater management facilities.

STEPL (Spreadsheet Tool for Estimating Pollutant Load)

Spreadsheet: nutrient and sediment loads from different land uses and the load reductions that would result from the implementation of various best management practices (BMPs).

NJGRS (New Jersey Groundwater Recharge Spreadsheet)

Groundwater recharge analysis: methodology, design storm, details, etc

IDEAL (Integrated Design and Evaluation Assessment of Loadings)

Spreadsheet model: stormwater structural management measures analysis

A Milwaukee Model for LID Hydrologic Analysis

Calculations for the preferred approach have been formulated in a spreadsheet that allows the user to input the amount of retention provided by each of several kinds of LID components, and then see immediately a recalculated hydrograph that reflects the predicted effect of the aggregate retention volume. The spreadsheet, which has been dubbed the ”LID Quicksheet”, is expected to be incorporated along with its documentation into the MMSD stormwater management guidance.

BURBS Spreadsheet (nitrogen mass balance)

BURBS is a Lotus 1-2-3 version 2 spreadsheet that helps you to construct a nitrogen mass balance for a residential area in a place like Long Island. Much of the U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain is similar to Long Island:

* Significant surplus of precipitation over evapotranspiration.
* High soil and subsoil infiltration rates.
* Flat terrain, leading to very little overland runoff except from impervious surfaces.


3-PG Forest Growth Model

Land Cover Changes (Trending/Predictive Watershed Parameter Analysis)

3-PG calculates the radiant energy absorbed by forest canopies and converts it into biomass production. The efficiency of radiation conversion is modified by the effects of nutrition, soil drought (the model includes continuous calculation of water balance), atmospheric vapour pressure deficits and stand age. The carbon produced by the canopy is allocated to leaves, stems and roots, using dynamic equations that update the state of the system on a monthly time step.


Rational Method storm drain network analysis spreadsheet

HawsEDC (Engineering, Drafting, and Computing)

SDnet: Rational Method storm drain network analysis spreadsheet
OpenOffice Calc

Landscape Irrigation Management Program

Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (LIMP): used to calculate ETo rates, determine landscape coefficients (KL), estimate evapotranspiration (ETL) of landscape vegetation, and determine irrigation schedules.

Hourly Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Calculator

HRPM.EXE is an executable program that calculates reference evapotranspiration (ETo) for a grass reference using hourly weather data and the Penman-Monteith equation.


New version of SWMM released

Latest update to EPA SWMM released: Version 5 Build 0.011 (5.0.011, 2007 July 07). Download at "".