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HydroOffice 2010

This is a new software package to me. It is apparently intended to be a modular modeling systems with a Windows MS based GUI. All of the modules are listed as beta versions. One of the modules seems to require a user fee, while the others do not. I plan to download this and see how it runs.

BROOK90 4.4g

BROOK90 has been updated (2010 November 17). The current version is 4.4g, which I haven't downloaded to try out. I also haven't found a logfile that documents what changes have occurred over the releases. This seems to be a useful modeling tool, but also seems to be a 'one man show' and self-supported - which can be both beneficial and not beneficial.

Apparently a GUI version known as LWF-BROOK90 is available, but I can't find - and haven't requested - a download site

SWMM 5.0.021 (with LID controls)

SWMM has been updated again (some months ago, actually). The biggest change is that it now allows for 'LID controls'. A couple of builds ago (5.0.019, 2010 July 07), as stated in the Update History, "The ability to explicitly model five different types of Low Impact Development (LID) practices at the subcatchment level has been added." Basically, you now now have the ability to model retention (infiltration and evapotranspiration) in storage and conveyance elements. That is a significant modeling capability addition.