Free Software / Free Documents - As In No Cost

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HSPF Toolkit for BMP Modeling Applications (EPA Ecosystems Research Division)

For model application in urban watersheds and areas with specific structural stormwater management measures (such as detention basins)


Data Master

Automation of data acquisition, measurement, and control systems. Accumulate, visualize, and analyze arrays of numeric data.

REALM (REsource ALlocation Model)

Water supply system simulation package. System can be configured as a network of nodes and carriers representing reservoirs, demand centres, waterways, pipes, etc. Flexible "what if" tool to address various options (new operating rules, physical system modifications, etc)


CDM version of SWMM5

CDM makes available their version version of SWMM5 for download and use. There's a few more options and the GUI element edit boxes have a lot more variable options. Otherwise, it looks, feels, and acts like the EPA version (from what I've have discerned).

ReactOS (Windows XP alternative)

A free and open source alternative to Windows XP: ReactOS is a ground-up implementation of a Microsoft Windows XP compatible operating system.


Rapid assessment tool for surface water and groundwater interaction: potential impact of groundwater pumping, land use change, etc have on the rate of change of baseflow contribution to streamflow.


Impact of farm dams on streamflows at a catchment scale.

RORB Version 5

Runoff and streamflow routing program used to calculate flood hydrographs from rainfall and other channel inputs, applicable to both urban and rural catchments