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From the PC-IHACRES web site; "Identification of unit Hydrographs And Component flows from Rainfall, Evaporation and Streamflow data. PC-IHACRES uses a transfer function/unit hydrograph (UH) method for continuous simulation, catchment-scale (spatially lumped), rainfall-runoff modelling. It was developed jointly by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, United Kingdom, and the Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies at the Australian National University. PC-IHACRES can assist hydrologists and water resource engineers. Its applications include investigations in small catchments instrumented for special studies, regional studies using larger catchments, and quality assurance of strategically important streamflow and rainfall records. PC-IHACRES can be used in higher education as a teaching aid for unit hydrograph theory and application. Key features and uses include: identification of unit hydrographs (UHs); continuous time series streamflow modelling; environmental impacts detection - hydrological regime studies; runoff event modelling; hydrograph separation (e.g. to assist with water quality investigations); derivation of a Slow Flow Index (SFI), analogous to Base Flow Index (BFI); derivation of Dynamic Response Characteristics (DRCs); DRC - Physical Catchment Descriptor (PCDs) studies (regionalization); teaching aid for unit hydrograph (UH) theory and its applications; hydrometric data quality assurance/control (QA/QC); infilling missing streamflow data."

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