Free Software / Free Documents - As In No Cost

(that is correct - no money to pay)

If it is on this site, then there is a 99%+ probability that it is free... adware, no spyware, just free

IF you can't find something OR need assistance THEN email me AND I'll try to help

Click "HHWQ" above for full listing of 150+ completely free software applications available for download from web site main page (if you are not on the main page already)

Please spread the word by posting links to this site!


RMAP (Regional Morphology Analysis Package)

RMAP is an integrated set of calculation tools developed for manipulating, analyzing, visualizing, and archiving data on shoreline positions and beach profiles in a georeferenced environment on a personal computer. RMAP supports analysis of beach profile, channel or river cross-sectional data, and shoreline position data for engineering and science applications. Capabilities extend from generation of spatially referenced shoreline change maps to a large suite of beach profile analysis tools.;40


Groundwater Hydrology Course (MIT OpenCourseWare)

MIT has a program that's been going on for a few years now called OpenCourseWare. In short, the course materials are posted on the www for all to view and use. That's not much different from several universities. I guess the idea is that MIT courses in the OpenCourseWare program are set up to be more 'open' (as the name implies) for all to download and use the material. Check it out...


SMath Studio

I came across what appears to be a very promising mathematics software application, especially for engineers: SMath Studio. This is a symbolic mathematics package with a WYSIWYG workpad interface similar to MathCAD, which I really like. The software appears to be in the development stages, but has been stable for me. Try it out and - if you like it - please let the developers know you appreciate it!


IHA: Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration

From a description by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality: "Software for Understanding Hydrologic Changes in Ecologically-Relevant Terms: IHA is a software program that assesses 67 ecologically-relevant statistics derived from daily streamflow records. For instance, IHA software can calculate the timing and maximum flow of each year’s largest flood or lowest flows, then calculates the mean and variance of these values over some period of time. Comparative analysis can then help statistically describe how these patterns have changed for a particular river or lake, due to abrupt impacts such as dam construction, or more gradual trends associated with land- and water-use changes."



From the PC-IHACRES web site; "Identification of unit Hydrographs And Component flows from Rainfall, Evaporation and Streamflow data. PC-IHACRES uses a transfer function/unit hydrograph (UH) method for continuous simulation, catchment-scale (spatially lumped), rainfall-runoff modelling. It was developed jointly by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, United Kingdom, and the Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies at the Australian National University. PC-IHACRES can assist hydrologists and water resource engineers. Its applications include investigations in small catchments instrumented for special studies, regional studies using larger catchments, and quality assurance of strategically important streamflow and rainfall records. PC-IHACRES can be used in higher education as a teaching aid for unit hydrograph theory and application. Key features and uses include: identification of unit hydrographs (UHs); continuous time series streamflow modelling; environmental impacts detection - hydrological regime studies; runoff event modelling; hydrograph separation (e.g. to assist with water quality investigations); derivation of a Slow Flow Index (SFI), analogous to Base Flow Index (BFI); derivation of Dynamic Response Characteristics (DRCs); DRC - Physical Catchment Descriptor (PCDs) studies (regionalization); teaching aid for unit hydrograph (UH) theory and its applications; hydrometric data quality assurance/control (QA/QC); infilling missing streamflow data."


From the web site; "PC-QUASAR is a water quality and flow model for river networks. It is designed to be used by river regulatory authorities and water/sewerage utility companies to help manage river water quality. The software is now available to be downloaded at no charge, as it is no longer supported by CEH (see below). PC-QUASAR can provide distributions of flow and quality at key sites, allowing river regulators to set effluent consent levels designed to meet river quality objectives. PC-QUASAR can also provide river flow and water quality estimates at each reach boundary over a period of time, allowing proposed changes in the river's use, flow or quality to be assessed. The following determinands can be modelled: river flow, pH, nitrate, temperature, E coli, biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, conservative pollutant or tracer."

Software list updated...

The list of links to software along the right side of the weblog has been updated. A few of the links were out of date. I also removed HLW (Dodson) and WDMUtil (Aquaterra).


From the WATFLOOD web site; "WATFLOOD is a distributed hydrological model suitable for both flood forecasting and streamflow modeling."

From the Kenue web site; "Green Kenue (formerly EnSim Hydrologic) is an advanced data preparation, analysis, and visualization tool for hydrologic modellers. It provides a state-of-the-art interface, integrating environmental databases and geospatial data with model input and results data. Green Kenue provides complete pre- and post-processing for the WATFLOOD and HBV-EC hydrologic models. Also included is a 1D 'reach scale' unsteady hydrodynamic flow solver, Gen1D."

Development of WATFLOOD began in 1975 and has been continuing in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Waterloo.

EPA SWMM v5.0.016 - Hargreaves Method

The Hargreaves method to compute daily evaporation has been included in the latest release of SWMM. I am unsure of whether this is the original or a modified version of the Hargreaves equation/method. The document with this release did not include detailed information on how the method was implemented, though you can check the source code (available on the EPA SWMM site).

EnDrain (EnDrainW) Update from Roland Oosterbaan...

Roland Oosterbaan was nice enough to write regarding EnDrain (EnDrainW)...

"The page was renamed into On the latter page I summarize all completely freely available software made by me. In addition the program EnDrainW was simply renamed into EnDrain. Previously EnDrainW indicated the Windows version of EnDrain as opposed to the DOS version. All DOS versions of my programs were removed from my website. Hence the tail "W" was no longer required."

Roland has developed an excellent suite of software applications, including EnDrain, for hydrologic analysis - and all are free to download and use! Especially if you are interested in agricultural drainage and/or flatland/wetland hydrologic response, be sure to check these out.


New SWMM version released (5.0.015)

Big News!

"Storage unit nodes have a new optional property named Infiltration that can store Green-Ampt infiltration parameters for the unit and thus allow it to serve as an infiltration basin. The Green-Ampt infiltration model was modified to explicitly include the effect of ponded water depth on infiltration rate."

This has been a major "wish on the SWMM wish list" for some time.


Leon Hellberg SWMM Macros

Leon Hellberg has written some code to provide interoperability between SWMM, Autocad Civil 3D, and Excel. These are undocumented and - as Leon points out - not for the "uninitiated", but he has graciously provided these files/macros for you to use!

- Creating AutoCAD entities from a SWMM .inp file (nodes, conduits and subcatchments)
- Retrieving elevations from a Civil 3D DTM and calculating subcatchment slopes



AutoCAD2EPASWMM is a small AutoCAD script for defining, drawing, and exporting subcatchments from AutoCAD to SWMM. It allows you to select any number of polylines in AutoCAD and will automatically create an output file in the location you specify. The script creates a SWMM input file that contains the catchment area and vertexes so that the catchment can be drawn in SWMM.